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High Voltage Pressurised Cable Monitoring

by admin last modified 2015-04-24 22:11
Contributors: Clive Maasch

In most large Cities oil filled pressurised High Voltage cables are employed to carry 66Kv or more between Sub-Stations. It is vital that the pressure in this cable is maintained at a preset level. Any drop in pressure could mean an oil leak and therefore a breakdown in insulation between phases. A breakdown in insulation can result in a cable blow-out and a loss of supply.

High Voltage Pressurised Cable Monitoring

In most large Cities oil filled pressurised High Voltage cables are employed to carry 66Kv or more between Sub-Stations. It is vital that the pressure in this cable is maintained at a preset level. Any drop in pressure could mean an oil leak and therefore a breakdown in insulation between phases. A breakdown in insulation can result in a cable blow-out and a loss of supply.

Over time the pilot cables become damaged and is no longer reliable. The cost to install new pilot cable is not economically viable when considering that the existing cable has to be uprooted and new cables trenched in and laid.

The MyCity Pressurised Cable Monitoring System is a solution

The MyCity System comes as a complete package. It includes the Outdoor, Battery Powered MyCity RTU, a pressure transducer for each monitored point, onboard I/O, a GSM Modem, IP 68 Waterproof Enclosure and Web-Enabled software. More Information


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